Round Yamdrok & Everest Motorcycle Tour

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13 Nights / 14 Days

Driving around Yamdrok lake and to the Everest base camp is not only the most authentic Tibet motorcycle tour but also an amazing adventure motorcycle trip to the roof of the world. This amazing Tibet motorcycle tour begins in Lhasa city, the cultural and religious center of Tibet. Visit the impressive and great Potala Palace, built in the 7th century by the 33rd Tibetan King called Songtsan Gamp and it was expended to the present size in the 17th century by the great fifth Dalai Lama. Today, the Potala Palace was inscribed to the UNESCO world heritage list. You will visit Jokang temple which is also listed to the UNESCO world heritage site.

Continue Tibet motorcycle tour from Lhasa to Gongkar county and visit Gongkar Chode monastery with a very beautiful painting which has more than 600 hundred years history. Drive through the fertile villages and Kyarola pass through many zigzags. From the top of the pass, you will get a fantastic view of Yamdrok lake and Nojing Kangsang snow-mountain in the distance. The scenery is gorgeous and impressive. Drive along the Yamdrok lake and beautiful villages near the shore of the lake.

The villages around Yamdrok lake are very remote and people in the villages stay untouched by the modern world which gives you more authentic Tibetan experience. Camping at the shore of Yamdrok lake is another tremendously beautiful night in the nature. Enjoy a spectacular view of the Yamdrok lake and Nojing Kangsang snow mountain from your campsite.

The next day, continue Tibet motorcycle tour along the Yamdrok lake and Karmaling grassland, beautiful villages and Taklung monastery. You will take an excursion to Phurma Yumtso lake which is another big lake, close to the border between Tibet and Bhutan. Enjoy your last day camping at Ralung monastery with another different beautiful campsite view. Another most interesting part of Tibet motorcycle tour is to continue to Mount Everest base camp through Gyantse,visiting the most impressive traditional styled old town town of Gyantse, Palchoe monastery and a giant Kubum stupa.

Drive all the way to Everest base camp with a great view of the Himalayan mountain range and make your greatest Tibet motorbike adventure trip to the Everest, the highest mountain in the world.After adventure motorcycle trip to Mount Everest, return to Lhasa through different route of old Lhatse and Phuntsoling monastery and the northern route to Lhasa from Shigatse along Barhmaputra river.

Day 01: Arrive Lhasa and transfer to downtown Lhasa, 3650mts
Arriving in Lhasa, the ancient holy city of Tibet and Our Tibet travel guide and driver will be welcomed you at the railway station and transfer to the hotel. Rest in the afternoon.

Day 02: Sightseeing tour in Lhasa
After breakfast sightseeing tour in Lhasa, Potala Palace, Jokang temple, Bharkor Bazar.

Travel to Potala Palace which will take you 10 minutes from your hotel. THE POTALA PALACE is considered one of the great wonders of the world. It is held sacred by Tibetans as the former residence of successive Dalai Lamas, and is one of Tibet’s most holy pilgrimage sites. A palace was originally built in the 7 th century by King Songtsen Gampo, and was believed to have been nine stories high, but around the 9th century, it is believed to have been destroyed by a big fire.

The present Potala Palace was constructed by the great fifth Dalai Lama in the 17 th century after he became ruler of Tibet. The Potala Palace is divided into two sections, the White Palace (completed in 1653) and Red palace (completed 1694). It has more than one thousand rooms and is thirteen stories high. The White Palace was secular in nature and mainly used for government administration, whilst the Red palace was mainly used for religious functions and still has numerous chapels, including those containing reliquary stupas of the successive Dalai Lamas which are richly decorated in gold, silver and semi-precious stones.

Afternoon, visit Jokang temple and Bharkor. JOKANG TEMPLE the Jokang is Tibet’s most sacred temple, the main point of pilgrims from the entire Tibetan plateau. Located at the heart of the ancient town of Lhasa, it was built in the 7 th century by the Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo’s queen Bhrikuti on a site identified by Queen Wencheng according to her geomantic calculation. The temple is 3 stories high and it is constructed with enormous chapels including the most sacred statue of Budhha Shakyamuni, enshrined. It has around 70 monks nowadays. ANCIENT BHARKOR STREET is the most sacred pilgrimage site in Lhasa and it is full of pilgrims from down till dusk.

There are four huge prayer flags situated in Bhakor street which surrounds the Jokang, known respectively as Gadhen Dharchen in the northeast, Juyak Dharchen in the west, Kelsang Dharchen in the southwest and SharKyaring Dharchen in the southeast. The Bharkor street is the most active market in all Tibet and it is possible to purchase traditional Tibetan artifacts, religious implements, antiques, modern goods, books, music, clothing, spices, fresh meat and vegetable.

Day 03: Drepung and Sera monasteries
After breakfast, drive to Drepung monastery which will take you 15 minutes drive from your hotel. DREPUNG MONASTERY is the largest monastery in Tibet, built in the 15 th century by Jamyang Choeje who is one of Tsongkapa’s foremost disciple. The monastery is beautifully located up in a hill at the distance of 7 Km from the old section of the city and it is the biggest monastery in Tibetan Buddhism. The monastery has four main colleges with numerous small chapels and house chapels, known as Khangtsen in Tibetan. There are around six hundred monks nowadays.

Afternoon, visit Sera and Norbu Lingka. SERA MONASTERY was founded in around 15th century by Jamchen Choeje who is another famous disciple of Tsongka pa and it is the second largest monastery of Tibet. There are three big colleges with numerous chapels and house chapels. The most attraction to visit this monastery is to see the monks debating which hold from 3-5Pm everyday apart from Sunday. NORBU LINGKA is the first summer Palace which was founded by the seventh Dalai Lama in 18 th century and the first Palace Kelsang Podrang was also constructed as the same name as the 7 th Dalai Lama, Kelsang Gyatso.

The eight Dalai Lama Jampel Gyatso (1758-1804) did more initiated work on the Norbulingka, expending the gardens and digging a lake which can be found south of the new summer Palace. The thirteenth Dalai Lama (1876-1933) was responsible for the three Palaces in the north west corner of the park and the fourteen the

Day 04: Day trip to Ganden monastery and back to Lhasa, 120Km
After breakfast, you will start your excursion to Ganden monastery through Lhasa to Nyingtri highway and you will have a fantastic overlooking view of Tibetan traditional villages, surrounded by green fertile agricultural lad of Tibet and beautiful meadow hill side near Ganden monastery with many Yak. It will take you an hour to reach Ganden monastery by van. You will visit Ganden monastery which is the mother monastery of the Gelukpa sect and it is the most important Buddhist school in Tibet. The monastery is also one of the biggest monasteries in Tibet.

After the sightseeing in Ganden monastery, you will do a short walking around monastery, known as monastery Kora in Tibetan. It takes you around two hours and enjoy a panoramic view of the Kyichu valley. On the way back, you will visit a small Tibetan Thangka factory and see how the Tibetans build their Thangka, the most significant Tibetan traditional art which has hundreds of hundreds years history.

Day 05: Lhasa-Gongkar Chode monastery-Kyarola pass-Yamdrok
Ride Lhasa-Gongkar Chode monastery-Kyarola pass-Yamdrok lake-Kangru monastery-Rimpo camp site at Yamdrok ( 4480m/195km)
After breakfast, drive to Yamdrok lake through the tunnel towards southern part of Lhasa, known as Lhoka in Tibetan and continues journey along the YarlungTsangpo and some beautiful villages of Lhoka and reach Gongkarcounty and Gongkar town after one and half hours drive. The road condition for today is very good. We will visit the Choede monastery.GonggarChoede monastery, which was built in 1464, belongs to the Zung branch (meaning grey earth ) of the Sakyapa school of Tibetan Buddhism.

The principal founder of the Dzongpa Tradition was Dorje Chang KungaNamgyal (1432–1496). The main monastery of the Dzongpa is GongkarChode just south-west of Lhasa on the south side of the Tsangpo River at the distance of 55Km from Lhasa. In the 16th century, the monastery was beautified with wall paintings of the Khyenri school of Tibetan paintings done by the well-known artist of the times, JamyangKhyentseWangchuk The history of the monastery is traced to the first visit of Jowo-je PaldenAtisha (980–1054 CE), Buddhist teacher from the Pala Empire.

During his first visit, Atisha had stopped close to the location of the monastery, prostrated in the direction of the monastery and prophesised that one day a monastery would be built at this location, which would become famous. He had marked the location with a mound of white pebbles in the form of a Mandala (this mound got destroyed during the Cultural Revolution). The Dzong was under the stewardship of Dorje-denpa Kun-gaNamgyal also known as Dorje Chang KungaNamgyal (1432–1496), who was a well-known Guru who had received training in the Sutra, Tantra and Tantric rituals from masters of all traditions. He was the holder of the Dzongpa tradition of the Sakyapa school of Tibetan Bhuddism.

When he was sitting on the roof of his house in the GongkarDzong, while reciting the religious scripture, the Vajradhatu, a leaf of the scripture was flown away by wind and it fell at a location where the present GongkarChoede Monastery is located. It is mentioned that between Gongkar and Tsetang there are seven gompas of the Sakyapa sect, including the GongkarDorjeden, known as GongarChoede, the pillar of Sakyapa power, to the south of the Tsongpo valley. GonggarChoede monastery is three storey’s high and the assembly hall is dedicated to the old paintings and three big statues of SakyaPendita, Shakyamuni and Guru Rinpoche.

The monastery survived many beautiful old wall painting date back to the 16th Century. It is worthwhile to spend some time with torch to explore the wall painting both in the main assembly hall and on the second floors. The Gongkar Monastery also became famous because it was here that the artistic Central Tibetan painting of Kyenri originated. After visiting the monastery, we will continue our journey to Yamdroklake through some beautiful villages and Kyarola pass, 4900Mts on the top of the pass.

From the top of the pass, you can have a beautiful view of another arm of Yamdroklake which usually rarely are seen by other tourists and a beautiful village called Drilung located near by the lake. It will take only half an hour to get down to the campsite from the top of the pass. Continue riding along the Yamdrok lake and passing some beautiful villages. Reach our campsite at Rimpo and late afternoon, short ride to Kangru monastery, visit the monastery.

Day 06: Yamdrok lake -Phurma Yumtso lake-Taklung-Karola glacier-Ralung
Drive Yamdrok lake east-Phurma Yumtso lake-Taklung-Karola glacier-Ralung monastery (4550mts/130Km )

Drive along the Yamdroklake and enjoy many beautiful villages. Just before reaching Taglung, We will drive further to the south by crossing a small pass. Visit Phurma Yumtso lake and then drive back to Taglung. Visit Taglung monastery. Continuously drive to Ralung monastery. Ralung is a beautifully located Kagyupa monastery and it has a very beautiful campsite in the summer time.

Day 07: Ralung-Gyantse-Shigatse. (3900mts/ 190Km )
You will start your tour at around 8.30Am from the campsite and then drive towards Gyantse. You will reach Gyantse by lunch time. Visit Palchoe monastery and Kubum Pagoda stupa. Continue Tibet holiday to Shigatse by passing one of the biggest farming land in Tibet where people grow barley, wheat, different kinds of vegetables.

Day 08: Drive Shigatse-Sakya monastery (4050Mts/150KM )
Morning, visit Tashi Lhunpo monastery and drive to Sakya monastery at the distance of 150km on a good paved road condition through Tsola 4500Mts and some beautiful villages. Visit Sakya monastery in the afternoon and enjoy a nice walk in the village of Sakya.

Day 09: Sakya-Drangthang-Dingri-Rongpu monastery (5000Mts/270Km)
You will start your tour at 9Am and drive through Dingla pass 5000Mts from which you will have a fantastic view of Mount Everest, Lhotse and Makalu respectively which are over 8000Mts. When the sun sets, you will have a fantastic view of Mount Everest in a red colored sun shade on the Everest.

Day 10: Everest base camp (5200m) and Rongpu monastery
Full day around Everest base camp (5200m) and Rongpu monastery (5000m/16km walk)

Morning, enjoy an extremely beautiful sunrise view on the Everest and have breakfast. You will visit the world’s highest monastery, Rongbuk. Walk up to Everest base camp which takes you an hour and half. Explore Everest base camp and back to Rongbuk monastery.

Day 11: Rongpu monastery-Shegar-Old Lhatse-Phuntsoling-Shigatse
You will start your tour at around 8.30Am from Rongpu and drive through two big mountain passes, Pangla and Gyatso la 5220Mts and some beautiful villages. You will take unusual route from Lhatse to Shigatse through old Lhatse and Phuntsoling monastery where you have less traffic and more off the beaten trail. Visit Phuntsoling monastery.

Day 12: Shigatse – Lhasa ( 3650mts/280Km)
Am Visit Tashi Lhunpo monastery which is the seat of the Penchen Lama and the largest Gelukpa monastery in Tsang region. After the lunch, ride along the Yarlung Tsangpo river which is started from the western part of Tibet near Kailash and it flows through the Tsang region, Nyingtri, the easten forest region of Tibet and finally it flows in to the bay of Bengal. There is a beautiful landscape on the way with sand done.Hotel

Day 13: Resting and shopping day in Lhasa
Today is a free day without guided sightseeing tour. You will walk around the Bharkor Bazzar for shopping or relax yourself in your hotel.

Day 14 Depart Lhasa ( 3650m/45km)
Drive to Lhasa airport along the Lhasa river and Kyichu valley. Lhasa river is one of the biggest tributaries of Barhmaputra.

City Night (s)  Hotels / Camps
Lhasa 04 Shangri La
Yamdrok 01 Tourist Lodge
Ralung 01 Tourist Lodge
Shigatse 01 Mangareva Hotel
Sakya 01 Tourist Lodge
Rongpu 02 Tourist Lodge
Shigatse 01 Mangareva Hotel
Lhasa 02 Shangri La

– 13 nights accommodation as mentioned in the program.
– All entry fees to the sites and monasteries mentioned in Tibet motorcycle tour program.
– Daily Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners.
– All necessary Tibet tour entry and road permits.
– One local English speaking Tibetan travel guide.
– Tibet tour transportation by one good conditioned mini van or bus according to the group size.
– Yamdrok lake conservation fee.
– Karola glacier conservation fee.
– Tibet Everest conservation fee for all members, guide and vehicle.
– Tibet Everest basecamp conservation fee for all members, guide.
– All necessary Tibet motorbike permits.
– Temporary motorbike driving license.
– Temporary motorbike plate number and license.
– Motorbike insurance.
– Royal Enfield motorbikes.
– Motorbike permits from China custom.
– Motorbike fuels.
– Motorbike mechanic.
– All camping equipment except sleeping bag.
– All camping fee.
– Cook and assistant with all utensils.
– Different kinds of snack like biscuit, cheese, dried and fresh fruit during the camp.
– Oxygen in case needed.
– All taxes.

– International Airfare.
– Tips, gratuities, Portage, laundry, telephone calls, table drinks, camera/ video camera charges, or any other expenses of a personal nature.
– Visa fees, personal insurance.
– Any item not specified under cost includes.

– Accommodation in good hotels.
– Check-in / out time is 12 noon at most of the hotels.
– Extension to other places is also possible with a minimal extra cost.
– Additional nights are available at each place with minimal supplement.
– A visa is required and must be obtained prior to your departure from your Country.
– If quoted hotel is not available, we will provide one of a similar category and standard.
– Small deviations in the tour program are sometimes necessary, depending on weather, road conditions, flight schedules and room availability.
– In case the government changes presently applicable taxes, increase in airlines prices, fuel surcharge our rates will need to be adjusted accordingly.
– Sometimes, there is no relevance between the distance and time of travelling, as it depends upon the condition of the roads and congestion of the traffic.
– While every effort will be made to maintain the itinerary, in view of local strikes etc that are beyond our control all schedule and itineraries are subject to last moment changes.
– Clients must be fully insured, as the company cannot accept liability for loss or damage to client’s property, medical emergencies or any other loss suffered by them whilst on tour.
– In Case of issuing Domestic or International air tickets, SGV is not responsible for any refund if the flight is delayed or cancelled, as it is the responsibility of airline.

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